I became a lamp manufacturer by chance, or rather, out of necessity. In the early 70s’, I bought a lighting shop, during a period when clients’ preferences were evolving; design was emerging and the traditional chandelier being supplanted by the diffusion of the halogen bulb.
Business was bad, so I had to do something. That’s how I discovered the world of electrical components for crafting lamps: I bought a variety of materials and started to assemble those pieces according to my creativity. Despite lacking formal design skills, I used my imagination and the knowledge of the materials, gained in handling chandeliers, for crafting a few lamps that I would have sold directly, in my shop, to make ends meet.
By fate or luck, the distributor AltaLinea saw the lamps and contacted me for distributing them in the German market. Incredulous, I accepted their proposal and in August 1989 my lamps were showcased at the Ambiente Fair in Frankfurt, where they got an immediate success and I received orders for 1.400 lamps. This is how I began my adventure as a designer and a lamps manufacturer, introducing a new style to the lighting market.
From that point onward, the business has steadily increased and today my creations are sold worldwide. When my friend Lino Reduzzi showed me some sculptures by the artist Kyoji Nagatani, I was fascinated and noticed some technical details, which really appealed to me. So, I discover the world of Arakawa: grips, hooks and many other elegant technical components that resemble jewels, which I always incorporate in my special projects. text by Masaaki Takahashi