the GRIP  07  /  Giovanni Innella


162 Trading Power

Giovanni Innella

162 Trading Power – Giovanni Innella
162 Trading Power photo by Raviv Cohen

"-162 Trading Power is a research project that explores the unique relationship between Qatar and Japan. The project focuses on the LNG trade between the two countries, and its impact on their economies, cultures, and lifestyles. The project resulted in two exhibitions, one in Tokyo and one in Doha. The exhibitions featured a kinetic installation consisting of an array of 40 printers that were programmed to print text and images extracted from the internet and synthesized into graphic compositions.

Giovanni Innella

Giovanni Innella

Giovanni Innela is a designer, researcher, and curator who studied at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy and the Design Academy of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, before earning a PhD at Northumbria University in the UK. He has participated in international exhibitions and his work is exhibited and collected by museums around the world. He also writes and publishes in both academic and non-academic fields. He is currently an associate professor at VCUarts Qatar.

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